1. For repairing Road Rash or individual chips or deep scratches, use our PrePaint (included in our Paint Chip Repair Kit) to clean the area and provide better adhesion for the touch-up paint.

2. Apply paint with a Microbrush (included in the Paint Chip Repair Kit) to [1] FILL individual Chips or Scratches or [2] SMEAR the paint if repairing ROAD RASH. Allow the touch-up paint to dry to the touch - typically 5 minutes for smeared paint or 2 hours to 24 hours for individual chips or scratches. Also, when repairing individual chips or scratches, the typical "blob" of touch-up paint will be visible on the surface. If necessary, you can apply two or three coats.

3. Remove the Excess Paint: Wrap a smooth, clean, tightly woven cotton cloth (available in our Paint Chip Repair Kit around your finger or the enclosed "plastic card". SHAKE WELL and apply the Blob Eliminator generously to the flat surface. Rub over the "blob" or smeared paint for 15-30 seconds allowing the Blob Eliminator to quickly penetrate and begin removing the excess paint. Once the touch-up paint begins to appear on the cloth, begin rubbing lighter until the excess paint is gone and the paint is left inside the chip/scratch. Lightly hand-buff to remove any residue on the vehicle immediately with a clean cloth or microfiber towel. You're done! It's that easy, fast and it's permanent.